I have just successfully posted to the binaries test group via the virginmedia news server, so the service is working OK. You must have a problem with your own set-up.
I have just successfully posted to the binaries test group via the virginmedia news server, so the service is working OK. You must have a problem with your own set-up. Jim
ooops! looks away in embarrassment. I was trying to post some photos to my usual group but had forgotten to resize them from around 15mb each to about 750k
I have just successfully posted to the binaries test group via the virginmedia news server, so the service is working OK. You must have a problem with your own set-up. Jim
ooops! looks away in embarrassment. I was trying to post some photos to my usual group but had forgotten to resize them from around 15mb each to about 750k
You are forgiven, and no embarrassment needed.
You are not the first to do something like that, and you certainly won't be the last :-)